Con la ampliación del registro de literatura gris (literatura no convencional) en el área de RHS en América Latina y el Caribe, se creó este espacio para un acceso rápido a publicaciones de interés de la Red de Observatorios de Recursos Humanos de Salud, donde encontrará informes, guías, políticas y otras publicaciones técnicas y científicas con la posibilidad de utilizar filtros por tema, año de publicación, país, idioma, entre otros.


Interfase de búsqueda que permite la recuperación de documentos indexados del Repositorio de Recursos Humanos de Salud.

Resultados: 7

Validated document in the andean subregion: Regional goals for human resources for health indicators 2007-2015. Handbook for baseline studies

The purpose of the handbook is to provide a standardized reference document for countries of the Region that clarifies the terms and parameters of each of the twenty goals of PAHO’s Resolution #CSP27/10, “Regional Goals for Human Resources for Health (HRH) 2007-2015,” in order that they may be cons...

Regional goals for human resources for health indicators 2007-2015. Data collection guide to build the regional goals for human resources for health indicators 2007-2015. Validated document in the Andean Subregion

The Regional HRH goals are inspired on the 5 Toronto challenges, which were transformed into 20 measurable goals: some quantitative, others qualitative. The objective of this operation was to monitor the agreements achieved in Toronto by the countries in the Region. PAHO-WHO elaborated a “Handbook for ...

Strengthening the foundation: a Human Resources for Health Action Plan to Support Universal Health Coverage in the Americas. Chapter II

The Unit of Human Resources for Health at PAHO is leading an initiative to develop a regional agenda for action in matters of human resources for health post-2015. The new Human Resources for Health (HRH) regional agenda will contribute to and address the major challenges related to evolving population ...

CD52.R13: Recursos humanos para la salud: aumentar el acceso el personal sanitario capacitado en sistemas de salud basados en la atención primaria de salud. Resolución

El documento expresa la resolución luego de haber examinado el documento de política Recursos humanos para la salud: aumentar el acceso al personal sanitario capacitado en sistemas de salud basados en la atención primaria de salud (documento CD52/6); reconociendo la importancia estratégica de los rec...

Consultancy report For the second assessment of Trinidad and Tobago’s progress towards the achievement of the regional goals for human resources for health

This report presented the findings and information from the second Human Resources for Health (HRH) consultancy research undertaken in October-November 2013, and compared the findings with the data submitted in 2009 to see where progress was made and where additional focus and resources are needed to be ...

Instrumento de medida de carga de trabalho dos profissionais de saúde na atenção primária: desenvolvimento e validação

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 49 (Esp2), 2015
OBJETIVO: Propor e validar um instrumento que contemple as intervenções/atividades realizadas pela equipe de saúde da família, como referência para o planejamento da força de trabalho. MÉTODO: Pesquisa metodológica desenvolvida nas etapas: construção do instrumento; validação de conteúdo e t...

Factors that influence career choice in primary care among medical students starting social service in Honduras

ABSTRACT Objective To 1) describe patterns of specialty choice; 2) investigate relationships between career selection and selected demographic indicators; and 3) identify salary perception, factors that influence career choice in primary care, and factors that influence desired location of future medica...